New Toulouse Rugby Kits 16-17 | Stade Toulousain BLK Jerseys 2016-2017

These are the new Toulouse rugby shirts 2016/17, Stade Toulousain’s new home, away and third kits for the upcoming Top 14 season. Made by BLK and here modelled by Thierry Dusautoir and his teammates, the new Toulouse rugby jerseys were officially unveiled on August 1, 2016

Stade Toulousain BLK Kit 16 17

Toulouse Rugby Shirt 16 17

Toulouse Rugby Kit 2016 2017

Toulouse Rugby Jersey 2016 17

3 thoughts on “New Toulouse Rugby Kits 16-17 | Stade Toulousain BLK Jerseys 2016-2017

  1. The alternative & third Jersey have a Rugby League feel for me I dont know if that is a good or a bad thing.

    The home jersey has a Toulon feel about it more than a Toulouse feel about it so not a fan of the home at all.

    Home gets a 2 out of 10 from me
    The alternative & third get 6 from me
    so over all not great from BLK in my view.

    • Agree fully about the rugby league look. Your making the home kit out worse than it actually is still not very nice though

  2. I don’t think there’s any need for the white shoulders on the red kit. Plus, I think the red should be a slightly darker shade.

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